Demo is out now!

Is it Christmas already? No, but we do have a present for you! 😉 Instead of waiting till tomorrow, here it is – DEMO IS OUT NOW!

Strattera! Instead of waiting until tomorrow, here’s the exciting news in one neat package: we’ve just released a new detailed demo of Strattera, now available for your review! It’s like a Christmas gift that keeps on giving.

I’d like to thank everyone involved in making this demo – to all beta-testers, to Inna Vjuzhanina for the artwork, Jennifer Milward for VA, Alexandre Serel for the script and Dean Kopri for his music. It wouldn’t turn out like this without you! With that being said, one more „thank you“ for all of the support coming from various fan TR pages, TR fans…
Download link is ready! Happy raiding 😉


New Facebook Page

Hi Everyone! I just have opened a facebook page here

I will use it for sharing every new contents like screenshots or any little information even if i won’t send a newsletter for each of them

So, feel free to join it if you want to stay informed of everything about the project

Thank you again for your support,


New video!

Hi everyone! My new video is here, it’s the introduction of the Great Wall level.

I have taken the liberty of extending the original cinematic cause it was very short.

There’s some small things can still be improved but this is more close to the final result i want, i hope you will enjoy it.

Have a nice day,




Where is the demo?

Hi everyone!

You may have noticed, autumn’s here and the download section is still empty even though I said there would be a demo available this time of year. Then, what’s going on? Is the project aborted? Would have he lied to us? As a matter of fact, the project is going very well, I just have been too optimistic regarding the calendar, and I really want you to play something neat and interesting, far from the prototype I’ve shown you with the first videos. That said, you can imagine I want it to be perfect and I’d rather take my time to avoid botched work and deceptions.

The purpose of this demo will be to show you the large picture of the interpretation of the game I’m going with – even if it’s only the beginning, I hope it will be representative of what’s coming next – because, as you may already know, it won’t be an HD copy of the original Tomb Raider 2 game, but an actual remake. Many things must be rethought and still be coherent as a modern game. Regarding this demo’s lifespan, Tomb Raider fans should probably get it done pretty quickly, but as you noticed, I prefer quality rather than quantity.

Though I can’t give you a date, I may be able to offer this as a Christmas gift, as a goal, but I won’t promise anything but one thing: I’ll do my best.

In the meantime, I intend to upload a new video within next weeks that will present you the first cinematic of the level – the one with the helicopter – hoping you will enjoy it while waiting for the demo.

Finally, I’d like to clarify something regarding donations. First of all, thank you for those who asked, but I won’t accept any donation. Crystal Dynamics conditions, so I can go on working on this project without any author’s rights issues, is for it to be absolutely non profit-making.

Here are some new pictures from the upcoming video I will soon share:

Again, thank you all very much, I’ll do my best for this game to be up to our expectations.

News about the project

Hello everyone!

I want to keep you informed of the current state of the project. I know I haven’t posted many things last time but don’t worry i’m still working. Some people asked me how many levels i have done or when the full game will be released, I think they don’t realize that making a video-game like this from scratch takes really many time and even if i spend many time on this I’m not a game studio, it’s not like build a custom level with the old level editor for Tomb Raider (it’s not like modding). The whole game won’t be finished after a few years, so please just stop to ask for a release date, i’m just at the beginning of the game.

I don’t really have new environments to show you but i have finished some things that are waiting since a long time like full options menu with key binding and a few other features to allows each player to adjust the game, an optional tutorial for the beginning of the game, and a working checkpoint system like the Tomb Raider games from Crystal Dynamics.


I want to make a special thanks to Dean Kopri for his help, he makes a really good jobs about music composition and debugging. I hope i will find other serious people who are as motivated as him to collaborate in the futur.



I let you a few other screenshots, thank you for following this project

Have a nice day,
